How to Use Pinterest for Your Wedding

There are good and BAD ways to use Pinterest in the wedding planning process. Finding a post called "300 shots you MUST have your photographer get" is excessive, unhelpful and completely unnecessary. You're going to be hiring vendors who are professionals and have experience doing their job. (Side note, If there are a few specific shots that are super important to you, that's a totally different story and I would LOVE for you to share.) At the end of the day, using Pinterest to "copy & paste" is not a good idea. You will get lost in the trends of today and your wedding won't truly reflect who you and your partner are.

So here's how I recommend using Pinterest!

First, I suggest having a planner or designer help you. This might seem like an unnecessary cost, but hear me out - Designers have a gift for bringing your ideas, dreams, and style together. A good designer will be able to take your Wedding Vision Board and make magic happen no matter how random you think it looks.

Now onto the fun...

Your Wedding Vision Board is all about things you LOVE. From food to quotes to random patterns & textures. Don't think of this board as "wedding." Instead, think about what the best reflection of you and your partner would look like: who you are, what you love to do, how you spend your time/money, how you decorate your home, your favorite pair of pants, what you like to read, where you want to travel.. And with THAT in mind, start pinning!

Screen Shot 2017-02-01 at 8.58.41 AM.png

What you'll end up with might be a LITTLE confusing... Step away from the Pinterest board. 

Give yourself some time to sit with what you pinned. Come back a few days later and weed through your board. Then start pinning again! Rinse and repeat until you can look at your board and think, THIS makes my heart happy. THIS represents us.


What colors do you see as you quickly scroll down your board? 

Find three complementary colors that were consistently represented and make those the start for your wedding colors.

What locations did you tend to pin?

Research those locations. What style do those places have? Use that vision to pick out rentals to decorate your reception spaces or even to pick your venue!

What textures/patterns showed up the most?

From tables to dresses - textures and patterns will run through your wedding design. Didn't pin any burlap? Yeah, no surprise there.. (Coming from a girl who had burlap ALLLLL over her wedding hahahaha)


See the pattern? This board will be the foundation of your wedding design. You will be able to come back to it in reference as you continue to plan. From your cake design, to the font on your invitations, to the actual location of your ceremony & reception -- You'll stay focused on who the two of you are and how to showcase that throughout your wedding day. 

I hope this TIP! was helpful!


TIPS!Hannah ByrneComment